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Luis Marty

Entrenador mental 

My role as a Mental Coach

     The area I am mainly focused on as a Mental Coach is Sports. For me, sport is a metaphor of life, as it is a journey which gives us the opportunity to enjoy by learning by ourselves, as well as moving forward every single day. I am so grateful and happy to be guiding people through the exciting journey beyond their sport, professional and personal growth in order for them to transform their dreams in specific goals and be fulfilled themselves by achieving them.

     I develope mental training programs in sport environments. I guide the athletes and their relatives, as well as coaches, through their professional careers by helping them to clarify and define their goals. Also I help all of them to improve their mental skills, such as concentration and emotional management ir order for them to achieve their goals efficiently and learn how to get more enjoyment while enhancing their performance.

  Furthermore, I coach students who are uncertain about what professional path they want to take in order for them to clarify themselves and get over anxiety, lack of motivation or other factors that might be preventing them from moving forward.  

     Additionally, I help people who are being treated by either a physiotherapist or an osteopath in order to ease the pain caused by psychosomatic factors such as stress, anxiety or low self steem.


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Sport Mental Coaching

     What do you want to achieve either as athlete or as a Coach? How can you transform your dreams about Sports in specific goals and achieve them in an effective and efficient way? 

     Whether you pursue professional or amateur goals, individually or as a team, it is crucial that this goal is relevant for YOU as well as for your TEAM.


You will walk through the process that will make you find out "why" you actually want to achieve that goal. In other words, during this process you will get to know the genuine reason behind your desire of achieving this goal, which is your purpose. Once you figure this reason out, then you will be ready to pursue your goals with great determination and courage. 



Who is it aimed at?

Athletes and sport teams that need to enhance their mental concentration, motivation and capacity to handle their emotions more effectively in order to get their performance increased

Coaches and athlete relatives who want to get powerful tools that help them to succesfully support athletes in their sporting career.

Do you really want to make a significant progress and reach excellence as an athlete or coach?


Would you like to get to know your own thoughts? Do you want to learn how to manage your thoughts as well as your emotions effectively when you are taking part in a competition? 

Are you a Sports Coach? Do you want to make progress in a specific area such as emotional control, soft skills, etc and become a real learning, engagement and growth facilitator for your players? 

Are you running a Sports Academy or a Sports facility? Do you want to enhance your leadership skills? How great would be for yourself, your business and your staff members that these worked as a real team? 

Does your son or daughter practice any sport and take it more seriously every day? Does he or she love competition and work hard every day to become a great athlete? Do you want to support him or her and make sure that both of you enjoy competition together? And more importantly, do you want him or her to be happy and learn important values that make him or her grow as an athlete as well as a person?

Let me know the goal that you want to reach for free and without obligation in order to adapt the program to meet your specific needs. 


Coaching for Students and Professionals

Have you ever visualized yourself bringing your biggest talent and passion to the world? How does it feel? Would you enjoy yourself by doing it every day?

Do you need to clear all the limitations and doubts that are preventing you from decide your own way according to your true self and what you are really passionate about?

Perhaps you are going through a process of questioning and uncertainty over your studies which is causing you lack of motivation. Or maybe you are not sure about the direction in which you want to take your professional career or match your interests with your University degree. If any of these scenarios resonates with you, I can help you to get more clarity and overcome this situation. I will provide you with tools and resources which will help you to get over your doubts, ansiety, lack of motivation and get focused in order to move forward in the right direction.

Which is that part of yourself that you are not able to change even though you wish to long time ago? And what goal you don´t dare to pursue due to fear or lack of confidence in yourself?

Through this program I will help you to clear your mind, get new points of view about your situation and define an action plan which will lead you to address situations and relevant goals for you in a proactive and effective way to move forward in your personal and professional development. The more your commitment and your personal responsability, the sooner you will make your dreams come true. 

Options for the sessions: One on one or in groups.


   Imparto talleres, cursos y ponencias a medida, dirigidos a personas de cualquier edad, ya sean deportistas; familiares de deportistas; entrenadores y directivos de clubes, escuelas deportivas, empresas e instituciones educativas.


La metodología se basa en aprender a través de la diversión y de la experiencia.


Contáctame sin compromiso para decirme cuáles son tus necesidades y consultar precios.

"There is only one thing which makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure"

- Paulo Coelho - 

Ask me whatever you need!

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